Superfoods…Your Guide to Understanding the Benefits

The modern world challenges our bodies from every imaginable perspective. A well-balanced diet may not be enough to achieve optimal health. We have become increasingly aware of the serious impact on our food sources due to soil depletion and the rapid nutrition loss sustained during transportation from farm to plate. While a raw food plant-based diet remains ideal, Superfoods are a remarkable dietary addition to ensure that the full nutrient spectrum is available in optimal amounts. In the PermachartRaw Foods, Superfoods, Vegetarianism, Food Combining Charts Superfoods, readers are introduced to the Superfoods concept and why they are beneficial. A guide to understanding the potential benefits of Superfoods, a power-packed recipe, and a useful “Buyer Beware” section help to give every consumer the Superfoods edge! This chart was written by Kelly Serbonich. Kelly Serbonich holds a B.S. in Culinary Nutrition and Holistic Nutrition. She merged her conventional culinary training with her interest in holistic health as Executive Chef of the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, FL. Kelly is the co-author of the Hippocrates Health Institute’s guide to raw and living food preparation, Healthful Cuisine. The information contained in this chart is approved by the Hippocrates Health Institute’s director, Brian Clement.

On June 11  2011, 750 Permacharts were given away free of charge to the attendees at The First Annual Toronto Raw Vegan Festival. If you did not attend, or were too late to get a free giveaway, you can still get a good deal – here’s the coupon code that attendeesSuperfoods, Raw Foods, Food Combining Charts, Vegetarianism received at the festival: TRVJUN11 – this will give you 25% off all products at until June 30 2011.

To order the complete chart and other raw food charts from Permacharts, visit But, before you order, visit our Facebook page and “like” us. If you are one of the first 500 people to “like” us, you’ll be entered in a draw to win a free iPod Touch…and you’ll receive a coupon code for 25% off all products.

About Permacharts

Publisher of premium laminated quick reference study guides, job aids and cheat sheets. The company has produced quick reference materials for more than 20 years and distributes its reference cards and guides through the Internet and through major retailers everywhere. The company headquarters is in Toronto and it also maintains facilities in New York state.
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